New YouTube Channel for Control

4/10/2012 - 3:43 p.m.

Have you seen the newly created CyriousControl channel on YouTube? We want this library of videos to educate and excite sign industry owners and managers about how Control can be a powerful estimating and business management tool for their businesses. This new channel houses an animated depiction of what life is like daily in many sign businesses. Highlighting many of the frustrations, this video aims to resonate with sign industry owners and encourage them to seriously explore the benefits - including both time and money savings and a sense of greater control - of putting Control at the center of their businesses.


The “Estimates with Mr. Sharp” series seeks to highlight Control’s estimating abilities for various, specific sign jobs. Each of the these videos is set in Dean Sharp’s wilderness office, a sight sure to turn a few antlers. Incorporating humor and education into each video, Cyrious Software aims to reach more sign industry owners and managers to demonstrate the impact having a system like Control.


Any new topic suggestions or requests are encouraged and can be sent to


Visit the CyriousControl YouTube channel at this address:

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