Cyrious Conversations: Chat with Linda Nelson, Signs & Graphics, Inc.

6/8/2012 - 11:15 a.m.


Linda Nelson, Signs & Graphics, Inc. owner in Birmingham, AL, shares her success with Control.

We can estimate pretty quickly.

Of course it depends on the type of sign needed. If we are doing a simple banner or something similar, we can do it in less than a couple minutes in Control.  A  complex sign may require us to do research from a manufacturer or contact a wholesaler.

Customer needs a repeat order 2-3 years later. No problem!

All of our past orders are saved in Control.  So, when the customer calls, we know exactly what we did, with what materials and machines, etc.   It’s a life-saver, because who can remember what you used 3 years ago and where you purchased materials from?  I can just look at our detailed production notes and we’re ready to go.

My favorite feature - Activities & the Time Stamp

It may seem insignificant, but it means a lot to me to be able to have a record of time & date on everything related to a customer and an order.   I can add the notes of a conversation I had with a client and anyone in the company has access to that.  Plus, when I need to make A/R calls, I know exactly who I spoke to when and what the conversation involved.  I think sometimes people are astonished when you can pull up the details. That’s key.

Life without Control

Chaos.  It would be chaos!  Not truly knowing when jobs were due, what needs to get done first, that would be tough.  I wouldn’t be able to quickly look at A/Rs - I love that everything is in ONE place.

Looking Ahead

I am very interested in getting macros set up to send follow up emails and invoices automatically.  That would be an immense time saver.   I know Control does way more than we even utilize.  The more I learn about it, the more I love it.


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